When Your Secret Identity Becomes Your Only Identity

We Lost Our Identity To Parenting!Last night we got Boy Wonder to bed pretty early (seven-thirtyish), which left Bex and I a few hours to ourselves. The nights when this happens are few and far between. We operate on different schedules and wind up being home together only two nights a week. Now, you would think that we'd take advantage of this well deserved grown up time and you'd be right. We…
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Breastfeeding – A Guest Post by Bex!

If you're like us, then the Trump Administration's opposition to breastfeeding stunned you as much as it did the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly. So Bex decided to write a Guest Post about her own experiences with breastfeeding. As always, please join us in the conversation by adding to the comments below.  ~The IncrediDad   Checking In With Bex Breastfeeding is one of the…
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Daddy’s Test Kitchen: Avocado 2 Ways

Up until a few months ago, I had never eaten an avocado in my life. I've been told that's a sin in Southern California. So after seven years of living out here I finally broke down and tried one. It was among the tastiest fruits I've ever had. Avocado is light, versatile, and you don't have to cook it. All of those reasons made it the perfect food to snack on during our massive heatwave this…
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IncrediDads: Top 5 Superhero Dad Quotes

While the greatest heroes seem to stand tall on their own, there is usually a pretty strong father figure who helped pull them to their feet in the first place. We can learn a lot from dad figures like Alfred Pennyworth, Jor-El, Uncle Ben, Joe West, Thomas Wayne. The thought came to me as I've been helping Boy Wonder pull himself up on his own feet. I realized that I've never paid much attention…
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Time Flies

Now that we are half-a-year into this adventure, I think I'm finally ready to admit something. Time always seems to be the one thing I can't get enough of. Coincidentally, it's also something that won't go by fast enough. From the beginning, time was the IncrediDad's arch enemy. It didn't seem like there was enough time to prepare ourselves for the major lifestyle change our bundle of joy was…
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Lettuce Turnip The Beet

I've always loved eating. Whenever someone tries to talk to me about physical fitness I am too happy to correct them. "Fitness? More like fitness whole pizza in my mouth!" But the rising numbers on my scale have really turned the punchline of the joke into an elastic waistline. As much as I love food, I know that some foods will never love me back and that's got me feeling guilty. So I'm…
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Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the nursery . . . he's back! This time with teeth. At 7 months, Boy Wonder is biting his way through everything he can (Daddy's fingers, cheeks, and nose included) with his two razor sharp teeth. He's also producing enough drool to fill a swimming pool and racking up plenty of sleepless nights too. We knew that teething was going to be a painful…
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Super Sitter

Like the Joker said, "Hubba, hubba, hubba. Money, money, money. Who do ya trust?" No really, he said it. Batman 1989. Go cue up your old VHS tape if you don't believe me. Jack Nicholson may have just been vamping before his showdown with Batman but I took it as one of those "life" questions. Who do I trust? My super team of course! Super IncrediMom is at the top of that list followed by our…
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Oh Crap! – There’s A Baby In My Bathroom

I'm talking about the bathroom. We've all been there. But have we all been there with a freshly crawling baby? It's a super-heroic feat in itself. It was also one of those things that no one warned me about before becoming a dad. I had to learn it the hard way. So IncrediDads-to-be, this post is my gift to you. In the old days, my morning routine revolved around the three S's (Shit, Shower,…
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Shakespeare In The Tub

Have you heard about the hottest new show in town? Forget anything on Broadway this season. If you want to see one of the most energetic performances of this year, head on over to the Bath-tub Amphitheater to see the resident artists The Royal Feathertons. One critic said that their latest performance of "Quackbeth" left the audience in such a giggle fit that he sent a steam of pee arching…
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