What’s In A Name?

William Shakespeare asked, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Oscar Wilde said, "Experience is the name we give our mistakes." Even old Teddy Roosevelt got in on the philosophizing when he said, "Never throughout history has a man who has lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering." Gee thanks fellas. No pressure there. I read in a book…
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I Guess You’re Next

All this trouble started  back when my cousin Steph announced that she was pregnant. I congratulated her because I was very excited to have another baby in the family but secretly I prayed to the saints that I wouldn't catch whatever disease was in the water back home. Still, Steph delivered kiss of death by saying, "I guess you're next." At this point, Steph's older brother, Brandon, had two…
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The Nursery or Let’s Move Before He’s Old Enough To Know He Sleeps In A Closet

We used to live in a big three bedroom condo across the street from Disneyland. No really, it took us ten minutes to walk from our front door to the park gates. It was a great, lively area, close to food and entertainment. The best part was that we had new neighbors every week because most of our complex was vacation rentals. There were some things that weren't so great though. First of all the…
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