Stressed Out

Stress isn't fun to talk about. Usually, I sweep mine under the rug and dance around like it's not there. Why? Because we all have it. The only thing that makes my stress more important than yours is that it's mine. So, I won't sit here and bore you with my problems because you've got plenty of your own. Instead, I'd like to talk about another gizmo on the trusty IncrediDad utility belt -…
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Excess Baggage

I start to question what is essential as I'm packing my suitcase. I've been traveling my entire life and since then, lots of things have changed. Security is tighter at the airports, Mickey Mouse seems a lot shorter than he used to, and gas is way more expensive now. You know what hasn't changed though? Luggage. It's always seemed to me that when it comes to packing a bag, less is always more.…
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Boy Wonder Discovers His Own Superpower

Parenting requires a ridiculous amount of attention, patience and energy. IncrediParenting takes even more. So, it's understandable that we would want a few moments of peace every day. That's what I use the Fortress of Solitude for. But my days of hiding in the bathroom are almost over. Boy Wonder has discovered a new super power. He's learned how to entertain himself! As he becomes more mobile,…
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What Happens In My House Before You Arrive

"Where does this go?" "I dunno. Stash it under the bed." "Quick, throw a quilt over that pile of junk. I've gotta go scrub the toilet!" This is what goes on in our house just before you arrive.Two adults running back and forth in a hurried panic while Boy Wonder sits in his playpen giggling at them. Of course, the joke is on him. As soon as he's old enough to walk, I'm putting a broom in his hand…
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Radio Towers

Boy Wonder has shown me so many big emotions on his tiny face. I've seen him at his happiest, his loudest, silliest, crankiest, and even his hungriest. That last one is my favorite because at each and every feeding he makes this gasping sound, like a man drinking water for the first time after emerging from the desert. I swear we feed him regularly. But for my kid, each time sounds like the first…
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Day Care Dilemma

At first it was a simple plan. Bex would work mornings. I'd work nights. We'd trade the baby off in the parking lot. I guess you can call it a perk of us working at the same company. What could possibly go wrong? To be honest, not much. Our day usually starts around four-thirty. When Bex gets up to go to work, Luke usually wakes up with her. After four hours of sleep, you'd think it would be…
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The Duchess Of Nausea – a guest post by Bex

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out I was pregnant. I mean, there were signs but I was too busy working a full time job and planning the wedding of my dreams to notice them. At first, it felt more like the flu. Then one morning, as I was getting ready for work, I knew something was different about my body. No there was no baby bump staring back at me in the mirror, at…
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Food For Thought

Of all the things I could pass on to my son, over eating was not high on the list. I admit it. I constantly have a bad case of the Munchies. I could eat lunch and twenty minutes later I'll be foraging through the kitchen for a snack. As it turns out, Luke's not much better. I got a text message from Bex while I was at work. She was complaining that all Luke wanted to do was eat. Yup, no…
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Spittle’s On The Other Shirt

For people without kids, parenting is weird. When I didn't have a kid, I didn't get it either. I didn't know the joy of setting the little one down for a thirty minute (or second) nap. I didn't rejoice in a quiet trip to the grocery store. I never felt like people were constantly watching me either. Recently, I offered to watch Luke while Bex went out to have some time to herself. I've heard…
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A Critical Analysis Of Children’s Literature

The other day, I mentioned that I like to spice up whatever story du jour that I'm reading to Luke. It's not that the stories I read him aren't good, but they aren't spectacular either. Every parent has their favourite kids book too. You'll hear it if I talk about Dr. Seuss. It's not that Seuss is really that great, more like most books written for kids are just that bad. I've composed text…
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