Coffee vs. Red Bull vs. Water

Day 336 - Boy Wonder is still not sleeping through the night.  To get us through those rough nights and groggy mornings, IncrediMom and Dad need a power boost. We each have our poisons. I brew a rich, steaming hot, cup of coffee while Bex reaches for an ice cold can of Red Bull Blue Edition. Somehow, we still end up arguing over who is more tired. So I decided that the most scientific way to…
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The One That Got Away

I'm fond of our bed. Bex would be surprised to hear that because I frequently said otherwise about this pile of mattress and metal when we first started dating. It was a love/hate relationship back then.  You see, the bed actually belonged to Bex first. She was so proud of it because it was the first big purchase she made after landing her dream job. During our dating days, she moved no less…
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Where Is My Super-Suit?

Batman has his cowl. Superman wears his tights. James Bond slips into a tuxedo like it's his second skin. Indiana Jones never loses his hat. The Incredidad wears a tee-shirt and shorts. All of these men have three things in common: They've all saved the world from time to time. They have their own version of a super suit. They all get the girl. Moral of the story is - Women love a man in uniform.…
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Tips For Traveling With A Baby – Part II

This is your captain speaking. We're cruising at 30,000 feet with blue skies ahead...Hold on...I've just received word that someone has brought a baby on board. Folks buckles in and stay seated. You're in for a rocky flight. After watching the other passengers avoid us like we were diseased, the flight attendants glare at us with weariness in their eyes, I swear that's what I heard over our…
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Tips For Flying With A Baby – Part 1

Your Pre-Flight Check List If the CIA really wanted to get their terrorist suspects to talk, they should force them to take a long flight with a baby on their lap. That kind of unconstitutional torture is exactly what Bex and I willingly submitted too last month. If I had any State Secrets to share, I would gladly have sung like a canary after those flights. So if you're thinking about going on a…
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It Takes A Village

When my cousins and I were little, my Gramma's brother, Uncle Jack, would bring his family down to visit our wild tribe every once in a while. I was too young to experience it first hand but I've been told that he would always remark how everyone just seemed to pitch in when it came to the kids. If someone was crying, the nearest adult would scoop them up. If someone was hungry, a plate got…
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Acting Like A Super Villain

Bex, if you're reading this, stop now. Just close it. X out and go do something else. If any other Incredi-Reader is near her, please take her phone and throw it out the window because we all know she's not going to listen me. Waiting...waiting...Okay is she gone? Good. Today I'm going to talk about a major flaw of mine and I don't want her getting ideas that I am anything less than perfect. But…
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When Your Secret Identity Becomes Your Only Identity

We Lost Our Identity To Parenting!Last night we got Boy Wonder to bed pretty early (seven-thirtyish), which left Bex and I a few hours to ourselves. The nights when this happens are few and far between. We operate on different schedules and wind up being home together only two nights a week. Now, you would think that we'd take advantage of this well deserved grown up time and you'd be right. We…
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Breastfeeding – A Guest Post by Bex!

If you're like us, then the Trump Administration's opposition to breastfeeding stunned you as much as it did the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly. So Bex decided to write a Guest Post about her own experiences with breastfeeding. As always, please join us in the conversation by adding to the comments below.  ~The IncrediDad   Checking In With Bex Breastfeeding is one of the…
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Daddy’s Test Kitchen: Avocado 2 Ways

Up until a few months ago, I had never eaten an avocado in my life. I've been told that's a sin in Southern California. So after seven years of living out here I finally broke down and tried one. It was among the tastiest fruits I've ever had. Avocado is light, versatile, and you don't have to cook it. All of those reasons made it the perfect food to snack on during our massive heatwave this…
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