Chop Wood, Carry Water

“There’s a Zen saying that goes, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” The point: Stay focused on the task at hand rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. “Phil Jackson, Eleven Rings “When will life get back to normal?”, “Everything is just so crazy now.” “Who knows what will happen?”, I don’t…
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Coming Soon – Attack Of The Fifty Food Toddler

Attack Of the Fifty-Foot Toddler! FADE IN: Cue Dramatic Overture INSERT - A revolving globe. When it stops revolving it turns briefly into a contour map of the United States, then into a flat map. Superimposed over this map are scenes of refugee parents fleeing from suburban houses by foot, car, and bicycle. NARRATOR (V.O.) Horror!Shock!Frenzy!Devastation! The images of map and refugees…
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Golden Aged Heroes

I wish I could say that I was Boy Wonder's favorite superhero but I'm not. Like most people, he is a fan of the Golden Age of heroes. The OG's. The one's I steal all the gadgets in my utility belt from. On the West Coast he has the dynamic duo of IncrediPapa and IncrediGramma and GreatGrams. On the East Coast, he has Super Grammie, and two GreatGrands. IncrediMom and I are outnumbered! We never…
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One Of The Hardest Things About Being A Dad In 2019

Hey there Incredidads. Maybe you haven’t noticed but I haven’t flipped on the IncrediSignal in a few weeks. I hope you haven’t noticed because that means, like me, you are trying to vanquish one of the vilest super-villains an IncrediDad can face; putting down the phone. In the Disney/Pixar film “The Incredibles”, the heroes face off against a villain named Screenslaver, who hypnotizes…
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Pledge Week At Day Care

Forget about learning shapes, colors, and numbers at Day Care. I've got a theory about what really happens after we drop off our kids and head to work. To get the scoop, I've sent my faithful sidekick, Boy Wonder, deep under cover, to reveal what really happens over a week at daycare. At pick up on Tuesday, his speech was slurred. Wednesday he had red-puffy eyes. By Thursday night he was…
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8 Easy Things To Do To Prepare For Single Motherhood

Hey IncrediFans! Here's a fantastic guest post from our friends over at Enjoy it and then check out their blog! Photo via Pexels. 8 Easy Things To Do To Prepare For Single Motherhood Any prospective mother will spend hours fretting about her ability to manage the challenges of parenthood, but this is even more pronounced in single parents. Thinking about the enormity of…
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On To The Next Adventure

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” –- Anonymous To be the hero they deserve I've been told that a lot of young children see their fathers as superheros. While it is true that I would be willing to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or protect him from bad guys, I am even more willing to transform myself into the hero he deserves.…
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Save Money On Your Next Hotel Stay!!!

A road trip from California to New York with a toddler and a cat was unpredictable at best. The last thing that we wanted to worry about was making "good time" getting to a specific hotel every night. Have you ever noticed that Dads have an obsession with "making good time"? Not once have I ever attended the Making Good Time Awards Ceremony but I'm sure it's filled with balding men wearing…
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National Lampoon’s Cross-Country Vacation

"Well I'll tell you something, this is no longer a's a quest. It's a quest for fun! I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun! We're all gonna have so much f***in' fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our damn smiles! You'll be whistling Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah out of your assholes!!!!"- Clark Griswold, National Lampoon's Vacation Yesterday, I packed the car for what will not be…
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Our San Franciscan Day

You probably figured we’d be halfway across the country by now, huh? Surprise! We are still in the same state we started, only eight hours North. We wanted to visit Bex’s side of the family for a few days. It's been a lot of fun. Of course I love spending time with family but I always look forward to a day in San Francisco. It’s on my list of Top 10 Favorite Cities in the world. Here’s…
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