Shakespeare In The Tub

Have you heard about the hottest new show in town? Forget anything on Broadway this season. If you want to see one of the most energetic performances of this year, head on over to the Bath-tub Amphitheater to see the resident artists The Royal Feathertons. One critic said that their latest performance of "Quackbeth" left the audience in such a giggle fit that he sent a steam of pee arching…
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Three Types of T.V. Dad Stereotypes

What's up with TV Dad stereotype? I see a lot of t.v. shows and movies where the main character's father is usually out of the picture, pays no attention to his kids, or he's completely oblivious. Then something in the plot happens and he's forced to turn into one of the three following types of dad: Action Dad This guy punches and kicks his way through movies like "Taken", "The Incredibles",…
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If I Used My Head, I Wouldn’t Have To Use My Feet

The other day, I had to take the IncrediMom Mobile into the shop. Now, IncrediDad thought he would be using his head by leaving before IncrediMom and Boy Wonder. Our mechanic has a nice waiting area, free coffee, and wifi. Really, there are worse places to be stranded without a car for a few minutes. Her car died in the middle of an intersection, three blocks from the mechanic. It was idling at a…
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The Death And Life Of IncrediDad

At some point, early on in this crazy adventure called Fatherhood, I realized that I put a lot of unnecessary expectations on myself. I felt like a real world superhero. I seemed invincible, unstoppable, and beacon of hope. It didn't take much time for Boy Wonder to bring my ego down a few pegs. It happened a week or two after we first brought him home. I had been watching him sleep in the middle…
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Parenting Is Like A Puzzle

Parenting can be a like a puzzle with one piece that is eternally missing. But every day, I add another piece that makes the task a little less daunting. Think of it like car maintenance. It's a giant machine that should work. Should. But sometimes, it stops and you don't know why. There are so many parts and pieces that it's hard to know where to look first. So I came at it the same way I came…
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Dads Are No Babysitter . . . But We Probably Need One

I'm no babysitter, but I almost felt like one the other night. During our work week, I'm the morning parent and Bex is the nighttime parent. That's been part of our routine since she went back to work. So far, it's worked out pretty good for us. Famous last words, right? On Wednesday, Bex picked up an extra evening shift which meant that I would be taking over bedtime duties. I didn't think much…
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Look Who’s Talking Now

While I was getting busy talking about Incredible Leadership last week, Boy Wonder was doing something incredible himself. He said his first words. That's right, he can talk now folks! Bex brought him to see me at work the other day and as we were saying goodbye, I could not believe my ears. I heard a his little voice calling out. It was soft at first, then loud and commanding. And what were his…
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Incredible Leadership: Super Team

This is part 7, the last and final part of my series on Incredible Leadership. Click the links to read parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This post is dedicated my super team - to everyone who has helped become the leader I am today. There are too many to mention by name, but if you are reading this, you know who you are. I couldn't be The IncrediDad without you. The Avengers and Batman both started out…
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Incredible Leadership: Change Is Inevitable

Part 6 of my week-long Incredible Leadership series.  Click the links to read parts 1,2,3,4, and 5. In the beginning, we all wanted to save the world. That's what superheroes do. But times change and so do the people around us. Attitudes evolve. Change is inevitable. Leaders must change to forge a better future. The world is a completely different place form when I was a kid, and even more…
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Incredible Leadership: Integrity

Part 5 of my Incredible Leadership Series. Click the links to read parts 1,2,3, and 4. A hero is only as good as his . . . integrity? You better believe it. A good leader and an Incredible Father does the right thing, even when he thinks no one is looking. Not doing so has led to the downfall of many a hero. What you do is not half as important as how you do it. Emphasis always seems to get…
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