
You know what I loved most about Bex's pregnancy? Our stomach's were the same size, at least for a few weeks at the end. It was great. Now we could share t-shirts. What a laundry saver! Right after delivery, her belly was still puffed out. She was so upset about it that she would say things like, "Babe, will you still love me if I'm fat?" And as I took another bite of my donut I'd say "Well you…
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Daddy’s Private Office

Listen up dearest family of mine; Just because I sit down on the toilet, it does not mean I want to hold an emergency family meeting. Contrary to popular belief, the bathroom is not the family board room. It is my Batcave, my fortress of solitude. It's where I go to get a moment of silence, however brief that might be. Our dog and cat are always the first to follow me in there. Zoey stands guard…
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“Groundhog Dad” Starring David Gaygen

Do you remember the movie "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray? I feel like my life has turned into a cruel and twisted version of that since I've gone back to work. In the film, a jaded weatherman has to relive the same day over and over until he gets it right. In real life, I returned to work this week and I'm forced to live the same day over and over until I get it right . . . or at least…
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Let’s Wrap

Just the other day, I found out that some countries think we're strange for using a stroller. Can you believe that? Do you mean to tell me that Americans are wrong about something? When was the last time that happened? Uh. Hang on, the President just tweeted again . . . I love my stroller. It keeps Luke comfortable and safe while providing me with something to lean on and a cup holder for my…
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Sibling Rivalry

We have two pets, a cat and a dog. Zoey is a six year old Maltese dog who enjoys long walks in the evening, cliched barking at the mailman, and snuggling with her humans. T.C. (short for Trouble Clef) is a short haired tiger who enjoys sitting in the window, sharpening his claws on my thighs, and silently judging his humans from across the room. These two members of the family have been pretty…
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We aren’t fighting. We’re discussing.

  "Mommy and Daddy aren't fighting. We are having a discussion." I've heard that line overused so many times in the movies. The scene is always the same. It happens when a child inadvertently walks in on a possible domestic dispute and the parents have to cover their tracks quick, lest their six year old calls the police and reports mommy for spousal abuse. Hey Luke, please remember that…
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It’s A Walk In the Park

And I thought Bex took forever to get ready . . . One morning, earlier this month, around eleven o'clock in the morning, we decided to take Luke on his very first trip to the neighborhood park. Somehow, we didn't walk out the front door until three-thirty in the afternoon. Did I mention that the park is around a seven minute walk away from our apartment? A younger, slightly naive, but well…
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Let Them Eat Cake

  So, now that I've got him home, can someone tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do with him? The care stuff, diaper changes, feedings, I've got that. We've actually gotten into a nice routine. But how about when he's wide awake and not screaming his head off? When he's just staring at me with the widest and most curious blue eyes you've ever seen, what am I supposed to do then? Before…
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There’s A Binky In My Batcave

I never considered myself a messy person but I certainly wouldn't call myself organized either. There's always been this untidy little grey area between cluttered and coordinated that l like to hide in. Let's refer to it as, my Batcave. Throughout my twenties I found my Batcave to be a multifunctional space. I always kept it clean enough, so as not to be embarrassed if I brought a certain…
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Baby On Board

I still can't believe they let us walk out of the hospital with him. There must have been some mistake right? How could they trust someone like me to be responsible with someone so important? It was easy to look like a semi-competent parent when a team of nurses was present to supervise. But once we left the hospital, my precious safety net would be gone and the real trial by fire would begin.…
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