Baby On Board

I still can't believe they let us walk out of the hospital with him. There must have been some mistake right? How could they trust someone like me to be responsible with someone so important? It was easy to look like a semi-competent parent when a team of nurses was present to supervise. But once we left the hospital, my precious safety net would be gone and the real trial by fire would begin.…
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Delivery Day (Part III): Welcome To The NICU

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Gender Reveal

For months, people had been asking us what we were having, a boy or a girl. Bex had it easy, she was at home with the hyperemesis, throwing up all day. But I was out there in the world fielding all of the questions that came from well meaning busy bodies. The early but all too frequent conversations went something like this: "Do you know the gender yet?" "No Peggy From Work who I barely talk to.…
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The Nursery or Let’s Move Before He’s Old Enough To Know He Sleeps In A Closet

We used to live in a big three bedroom condo across the street from Disneyland. No really, it took us ten minutes to walk from our front door to the park gates. It was a great, lively area, close to food and entertainment. The best part was that we had new neighbors every week because most of our complex was vacation rentals. There were some things that weren't so great though. First of all the…
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